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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Naomi girl

Naomi girl is almost 5 months old.
She's a dream!
I love to hear her coo. The last few days she is getting louder too!
She is happy and content, likes her routine, falls asleep on her own
and just smiles at everybody.

She loves her fingers!

We adore her.
We have loved holding her any time we want, and watching her grow
while they have been living here.
Bennett is just darling to her.

She gives us our little 'baby' fix.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Nixon's birth

Bree’s birth with Nixon
May 22, 2012, Tuesday
Written May 23, 2012

Brett and Bree have been living in Gilbert, Arizona for the past year. Brett is working for Titan Security. Bree was able to schedule the inducement for the birth of Nixon which made it so nice for us and her parents to be able to be there for the birth. She said that she wanted both of the mom’s here for the labor because that is the fun part! (Fun… for who? Not her.)  Yes, we think it is great but I would be thinking differently if I was the one laboring. She does make the delivery seem easy with an epidural. Nothing has been quite like Llayton’s birth. Thank goodness! That was so difficult to watch.

Even though she labored longer with Nixon than with Caiden, it was perfect since she had Strep B and therefore needed medication during the labor. That took 4 hours. So it was such a blessing that she was slow to progress or they would have needed to do work on Nixon after the birth. It would have been costly and painful for him. (I think there is a gospel message here….Bree labored and was in pain and took that on herself and spared Nixon from having to go through that pain…atonement?)

She was scheduled to check in the hospital at 5 am but prior to that she got a call and was asked not to come. They didn’t have the room but they would call her when a room opened up. Bree, Terrie and I were about to go out shopping at noon when the hospital called and said they were ready for her. She said, “Oh no, I am going to put myself in pain!” After she got checked in she was dialated to a 3 and 70% effaced. They started the strep B IV and the pitocin and she labored comfortably, at least to us. She moved along slowly and reached a 4. She decided it was time for the epidural as the pains were getting stronger. By 6:30 they gave her the epidural and broke her water. Wayne, Terrie and Devon Harrison came to the hospital and later Chad came over, too. We just laughed and talked, and it really was fun! She was comfortable so I know she enjoyed it as well.

We kept her nurses informed of her history with Caiden’s birth; the quick dilatation, pressure and fast delivery by the nurse. We wanted them to know that could be a possibility of happening again. Bree was given instruction to let them know as soon as she felt pressure.  They checked her again just after 8pm and she was dilated to a 6. It wasn’t 15 minutes before she said that she was feeling pressure. They checked her and yep, she was complete (dilated to a 10). They called the doctor who said he was 10 minutes away. So we waited, all the while she was holding her legs together and just breathing through the contractions. She was patient but I don’t think she would have gone much longer had he not arrived  when he did. I think the nurse was getting a little worried that she may have to deliver and didn’t want to do that. She just keep coaching Bree what to do. I think Brett whispered to her to go ahead if she just wanted to push.

The doctor came right in, put on the gown, counted his tools, put her legs in the stirrups and she bore down and the head came out. Lots of black hair – lots of it! With the next contraction, he came out. There was just excitement in the room. They placed him on her tummy, rubbed him up but his coloring was great right out of the womb. Brett cut the cord. Terrie recorded his first cry and I clicked the camera as fast as it would go.

Nixon was measured, weighed, tested and imprinted and cried the whole way through. He weighed 6 lbs 6 oz and was 20” long. We stayed a bit longer. Chad came back. We all got our turns to hold him. Then we left so that Brett and Bree were alone with Nixon. 

Something that was fun for Bree was that her friend from the ward, who she visit taught or visa versa, was laboring in the room 2 doors down. They would text each other back and forth to see how the other was progressing. They were at the same level a majority of the time until the end when Bree went so fast. However, Natalie, her friend, delivered about and 1.5 later.

It was a beautiful experience. I feel so blessed and grateful that I have been able to be a part of my daughter-in-laws deliveries. They are so good to me. I love that I can be doing something (taking pictures). I love documenting life. But more than anything I love watching them come into this world. I love the good parents our children are. I love adding another to our expanding family. I love that modern medicine makes it a much more pleasant experience than the days of old. And each girl, has made it appear easy. I love them for the good moms they are and that that is the most important thing in their lives.

One question I will ask when I get to heaven (or maybe I will just instantly have the knowledge) is what are the babies thinking during this birthing experience.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Just life

If I don't take time to write about life, then it escapes me and I won't remember. (Darn! I hate that!) Even when I read notes I have jotted down to write about, I am not sure what certain things mean and why I put that on the list.

Brett has his brand new bike stolen from his garage. He and Bree had been working on painting a new bed for Llayton. They had been in and out of the garage as they were working. I guess someone had been watching and taken it during a time they were inside.
He had bought it just a few weeks prior and so sad when it was gone. Amazingly, his biking friend saw it advertised on Craig's List just a few days later. Brett called the police and, long story short, he was able to get it back. (Had to pay $100.00 for it but he was happy in the end.) Funny thing is, I bet he now stores that thing in his bedroom!

Cohen got an award at school just two weeks after they moved to Draper. He seems to be doing better in school there.

Both Cohen and Amara have nose injuries. At scouts, they were breaking a piñata with a pvc pipe. Cohen got hit in the nose - he has a scab over the bridge of his nose. Amara fell down the garage wooden stairs - no hands to break her fall. She hit right across the bridge of her nose. It left a fairly dark bruise, the poor thing.

Brett said he will be doing summer sales again this summer. They will be moving out to Irvine, California just after the baby is born. Baby is due May 29 but she is being induced on the 22nd.

Trent took his last exam - the last school test he will ever have to take. After 6 years of going to school, he has now finished his masters degree in business. University of Phoenix, Harvard and Texas A&M. We are thrilled for his accomplishment.

After 1.5 years as Bishop, Chad performed his first marriage. We attend MANY weddings from kids in the ward. We are happy for the occasion but sad because that means they leave the ward.

I have been busy working on a afghan for my dear friend Candace's baby to be buried in. She had complications during the pregnancy (potter's disease). They knew the baby did not have enough amnionic fluid and would not survive after the birth. She delivered at 29 weeks and Chandler lived for 1 minute. There have been many miracles, its been so difficult for them.

Mother's Day was delightful. The kids arranged (a feat in and of itself) for all the familee's to meet in St. George on July. So happy!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

General Conference

I love being in Salt Lake City for General Conference, 
and especially staying at the Marriott hotel. 
Room service is my favorite!

We had tickets for the Sunday afternoon session
with Lana and Tyson. Afterwards, we enjoyed dinner with the Mehlhoffs.

The new City Creek shopping just opened up
and it was packed with people.

During Priesthood session, I went on a photo shoot
at Temple Square.

These are some a my favorite images taken.


April 15, 2012

Kenny and Megan's house is in the process of being built in Summerlin.
They are so excited to have their own place.
(I am not sure who is going to feed us when they move!)

Trent and Sesily's house in Draper, UT
14081 Stone Canyon

(This is the only picture I got! What was I thinking!)

Trent's familee decided to make the move to Utah to work an additional job.
He will still be working in Corporate Credit Concepts with Chad. Since that company is on-line, they can live anywhere and be able to still work the beusiness.

They made the decision to move up and were gone within 3 weeks!
It has been a WILD three weeks!
Thank goodness Sesily has recovered well from her surgery. There would have been no way she would have been able to do all that packing and lifting with that bladder sling still in.

Chad and I were able to help them move in to their new house.
It rained the two days while they unloaded the moving truck! They found a great company who moved them, such hard working, nice men they were - even in the rain.

The neighborhood is full of children who played underfoot. Neighbors came over and introduced themselves. Dinner was brought in for two nights (which was wonderful to have home cooked food).
The owners of the house stayed and helped move in boxes.
Many good people living the gospel principles.
Out Cohen's bedroom and the master bedroom, is a view of the spire of the Draper temple.
It is a lovely neighborhood, surrounded by green mountains and overlooks the valley.

This is what we saw our their kitchen window in their backyard.

Moving is always a MESS! A very nice kitchen after boxes are emptied.

The basement (with neighborhood children).

Playhouse entrance in the basement.

The second story in the garage!

It will be a lovely house for their family.
But...I will miss them! (I might still be mad at them!)
At least we can get there in a days drive.

Easter with the Kennedy's

April 7, 2012

Who has taco's for Easter....the Kennedy's!
Taco's are the 'go to' meal for my family.
This year we gathered at Heather's house.
The kids are just cute and play well together.

Our annual egg roll.
Winner this year was Abby (I think)

Nicole read the kids a story while the eggs were being hiden.

Egg hunt

Love this picture!

Those there...
Dad, Mom, LaRue
Doug, Rae, Heather, Nick, Zak, Abby
Nicole, Patrick, Kennedy, Jacob, Brayden
Chad, Heidi, Kenny, Megan, Bennett, Naomi, Brett, Bree, Llayton and Caiden