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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Brett and Bree decided it was time to give Llayton his first haircut. I am sure there was a bit of sadness, but it was certainly getting long. The top was about 3" long and, as you can see, it hung over his ears. When his hair is dry, it is straight; but when it is wet, it curls. It looks so cute after it's wet and gelled, it would stays curly.

Here it is after it is wet:

They put the cape over him but he just wanted to eat it! Bree held him while Brett cut his hair.

Here he is with his new haircut! So dang cute!

I just love the next two pictures. The one with Bree and Llayton was after his haircut and bath. Brett and Llayton was during taken during the haircut.

Love them!