Our Familee had a delightful week at the beach in CA. Here were some of the highlights:
...just being together
...playing at the beach
...eating out
...Chad & Cohen's train rides
...Chad & Cohen's train rides
...highlighting an ancestor - Mary Stewart Lee
...familee pictures (of course!)
...watching the Olympics
...foil dinners on the beach
...boys golfing / girls attending Bree's family shower in Yucaipa
...shopping at the farmers market
...the MONEY game
A great little traveler - Bennett
Happy to be get out of the car:
This baby grows weekly!
Ella loves her boots:
Beach fun:
Foil dinners on the beach
Favorite breakfast - scones
As usual, Chad and Trent are working
Cohen took this picture!
We played the money game according to our scores from bowling.
Trent was high scorer and Lana had the most gutter balls.
Oceanside, CA .... August 2008
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