Cabo San Lucas...a bit cooler than Las Vegas in the middle of July and a great place to spend the week with Trent's familee. The cool water of the resort pool and the warm water of the beach was a delightful. We ate good food, rested, played with the kids, enjoyed being with Trent and Sesily and saw a bit of the city. Of course, Chad and Trent still worked! That is one of the joys about having an internet base business, you can work from anywhere! Thanks for inviting us on your vacation!
Trent and Sesily planned a vacation to celebrate Trent's graduation from University of Phoenix where he has been attending for the past several years. He graduated with his Bachelors in Finance and will be starting in the master's program this fall. (The first three class he will do on-line from home.)
We stayed at a wonderful resort called Cabo Azul. The whole back wall was glass and looked over the ocean. Besides a terrific view of the ocean, there was great light for photo shots. I took advantage of it!

Sheer delight for Cohen!

Ella, Amara and Cohen had to wear their hats when they we in the water. Can you tell how much Cohen likes his hat! It was so dang cute on him but he just really hated wearing it.
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